We want to help you reconnect.

Building from a strong foundation

True Nature Psychology is a new mental health practice located at Macmasters Beach on the Central Coast of NSW.  

We have a focus on serving adults of all ages needing support with a wide range of difficulties and diagnoses. 

Although we are trained in and able to use many ‘types* of therapy’, the primary focus of our practice is on relationship. As an initial step, we look to build a strong relationship between therapist and client to explore the terrain of the client’s life. 

*Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR), Psychodynamic Therapy

The Ancient and the Modern

Whilst we emphasise the importance of rekindling our ancient connections with the natural world we also recognise the power of modern technology where it is useful. At times, Virtual Reality headsets are incorporated into appointments to support anxiety exposure work and rapidly shift emotional states.

Where the forest meets the sea – magic happens at the edges

If you observe nature it becomes self evident that most of the action occurs at the edge between two systems. Think of the birdsong that is heard at dawn and dusk compared to the middle of the day or night. The abundance of life that is seen where two ecosystems overlap.

We are grateful to be working where we are – where the beautiful forests of Bouddi National Park meets the sparkling blue of the Central Coast beaches.  In this place, we are perfectly set up to help you explore your psychological edges – neither in the middle of your comfort zone, or so far out of it that it becomes overwhelming. Magic happens at the edges.

Meditation training  - learning to see clearly

Rather than using our minds most of the day, have you ever noticed how it feels like your mind uses you? Think about the habitual reach for the phone, before you know it it’s in your hand and you’re off and scrolling. Did you choose to do this? Did you really?

Before being able to consciously make new choices it is fundamental that we learn to see clearly – that we are able to harness our attention to work for us rather than against.

Meditation teaches this. It’s not the only way, but it’s probably the oldest and most well established technique for this purpose. At True Nature Psychology, we offer it both individually and in group.

Accessing Support


Rebates for appointments are available through Medicare via a GP initiated Mental Health Plan or psychiatrist referral.


We are Work Cover (SIRA) approved and are able to see clients through the Work Cover or Compulsory Third Party scheme.

DVA/Open Arms

We serve those who have served the country through their employment with the Australian Defence Force.


Self funded clients, or those with private health can access our services without a referral.

Come home to your True Nature