Our Team


Morgan Wainwright

Meet Morgan*, a registered pharmacist and psychologist with a passion for helping people fully engage with their lives. Morgan has combined all that has been learnt so far in his career to create True Nature Psychology, a unique and innovative practice that utilizes nature-based therapy as well as conventional individual and group therapy to support people in their journey towards healing and growth.

Morgan has always had an interest in people and the exploration of what it means to be a conscious human. This interest led him to many years of training and practice in Buddhist meditation and various forms of psychotherapy. During this time, the significance of unresolved trauma in preventing a fully present and conscious life has led to a particular focus in the realm of post traumatic stress and the growth that can come from difficult life experiences.

At True Nature Psychology, Morgan's goal is to create a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore their true nature and experience real change. Whether you are struggling with mental health challenges, seeking personal growth, or simply looking to deepen your connection with yourself and the world around you, Morgan is here to support you on your journey.

*You may have encountered me as Rob in the past - I have been using Morgan, my middle name in my private life for some time now and with the opening of the new practice have also chosen to adopt it professionally.


Stephanie Yank

Stephanie wears many hats; as a trained naturopath, yoga/pilates teacher, massage therapist, mother of two young kids and committed member of her community we are lucky to have her with us managing all the details that come with running a psychology practice.

She excels in communication, being able to view things from many perspectives easily. Stephanie is also great with detail, often catching the small things that others miss.